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Important Dates & Information

Men's Bible Study
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
The men of Faith will continue our study of Romans (chapter 14, starting with verse 16) on Tuesday, February 21 at 7pm. Bring your Bibles, your appetites, and your expectations to grow in your knowledge of God's Word and to know better your brothers-in-Christ!

Food Pantry 
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Our Food Pantry will be open to the public on Saturday, March 1. Proof of need is never required! The distribution will begin around 8:00am in our parking lot. 


Please note the following:

1. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 7:00am. 

2. Guests will be directed where to remain in the parking lot in their vehicles until directed by Food Pantry volunteers to pull under the canopy for loading.

Lenten Book Club
Wednesdays in Lent, beginning March 12, 2025

This Lent, Faith's book club is making another appearance. We're going to read and discuss The Devil You Don't Know by Louis Carmeli. Why this book and topic? Because Scripture warns us to be on guard against our old, ancient enemy. And being aware of the tactics he employs in his work of destruction, which in the main are quite subtle and "ordinary," plays a very important role in our defense against him. "In some ways, it's easy to believe in a devil who makes heads spin around and causes people to levitate. Popular movies and books about possession and exorcism have trained spiritual seekers to identify evil by its expected Hollywood conventions. By contrast,...Cameli...presents a challenging, unsettling portrait of the devil as a formidable adversary who works great harm, often in quiet, less-visible ways" (from the book cover). Blessedly, as Cameli addresses at great length, at every point of attack, the Lord Jesus equips us with everything we need to stand against the wiles of the devil.  


Book club will begin meeting on Wednesday, March 12 at 4:30pm and will continue meeting each Wednesday in Lent. Each book costs $16 and will be purchased thru the church office. If you'd like to join us, please write your name on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Checks should be made payable to Faith Lutheran with "Book Club" written on the check's memo line and envelope.  

Fellowship Sunday 
Sunday, March 30, 2025

On Sunday, March 30 we're going to enjoy the fellowship of our entire congregation at a single, blended service with Holy Communion at 10am. Afterwards, everyone will be invited into the gymnasium for a pot-luck lunch of fried chicken (provided by Faith's Board of Family Life) with side dishes, salads, and desserts that we're asking you to bring for sharing. We're excited to come together as one Faith family and hope you'll be able to get better acquainted with all your brothers and sisters in Christ!


To help us prepare, please write your name, number in your family attending, and the side dish, salad, or dessert you'll be bringing on the sign-up sheet in the narthex at the Welcome Center. â€‹

Phone 810 985-5733

Fax 810-985-3841

3455 Stone Street
Port Huron, MI 48060
Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm

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